Saturday, July 3, 2010

No comments and no followers :-( - updated

Maybe writing things down here is superfluous.

Okay, mea culpa.  I had a comment a few days ago.  But they (the comments) don't seem to appear when I log in.  I'll have to hunt for them.

This picture is of the Red Dress Run.  We were written up in the local paper.  About 2000 of us ran around the city.  Almost before we started the skies opened up on us.  Everyone was drenched but cool.  The money left over after the run goes to a few local charities.

This is out in the jungle somewhere on my first TDH3 (Thinking Drinking Hash).  Very hard to run as the uphills are, well, uphill as well as a little slippery.  And the downhills are sometimes obstructed with tree roots and vines.  This dandy suspension bridge swayed when you got to the middle and had a huge gap in the fence towards the end.

At the end of the run, we had circle in a river.  The new boots had to take off their old shirt before they got another one.

The first actual day of Hashing.  Still more or less impossible to run, the trail slippery and covered with vines.  This was a lovely bamboo forest, rubber trees being drained of their sap in many places and durian trees - none bearing fruit that I saw.

As we were leaving after circle, on our way back - as we were loading onto the buses a local family waved at us.  You can see one of the women is either taking our picture on her cel or maybe texting someone.  Out in the middle of nowhere yet not.

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