Saturday, June 26, 2010

Well, I've landed

Whoo hoo!  Seemed like a long long flight.  I kept trying to figure out how long it was but changed my watch to keep up with the time zones when I landed.  The food at the Tokyo airport didn't look very appetizing.  So I had a Hagen Daaz bar while waiting.  Got into Singapore at their midnight.  Straight to the transit hotel in the airport. Great deal - a bed, flatscreen plasma, coffee, a gym and a swimming pool for about 25 bucks for 6 hours.  Now after check out I have to figure out how to get my bag.  The woman at the front desk didn't get what I was asking, like no one ever asked before?  This airport is ginormous!  They have a guide for what to do here during long layovers - botanical gardens, butterfly sanctuary and of course loads of shopping. 

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